Post Thanksgiving Blue Hen Hash: 11/25/2012
What: Blue Hen Hash #12.11
Who: Tits of Steel, Your RA
When: Sunday, November 25th at 2pm
It's a long weekend, a holiday weekend, you ate too many carbs over
Thanksgiving and need to move your fat ass and detox from your family
and pretend you don't care about working tomorrow after a long weekend
by hashing
Hash cash: $5 - plus anything you might want to spend at an Apres (TBD later) post-hash
Where: George Wilson Community Center
303 New London Road
Newark, DE 19711
Dogs/Kids: Probably hash friendly, probably not apres friendly
Lost/Late? Call for help but I can't promise to have my phone
on me or answer promptly. Or try another hasher you know is on-time.