Sunday, June 01, 2008

hash write up

So…. There was a Blue Hen Hash on Saturday May the 31st, 2008.

There was a beer check, a shot check, a champagne check, a double secret beer check, a full moon on trail, an Indian Wrestling Match, and lots of people making out with each other.

Hashers Present:

Cums Early
Toxic Waste
Troma Queen
Just Silver
Turkey Baster
Beardless Clam
Dirty Wet Pussy
Do Me On the Beach
Bad Lay/Butthead
Crash Test Dummy
Mary Fucking Poppins
Just Trish
Just Chris

And some new boots:
Just Joe
Just Dave
Just Makiko

MFP was the hare.

The slobbering pack gathered at Lumbrook Park around 2:00 pm. Bad Lay got there at 2:15 and since no one ever shows up later than him, we decided to hit the trail earlier than usual. Since, this happened to be the last day of May, 2008, of course it had to rain, a lot. But by some miracle, the large clumps of flour would not be washed away, and hashers were actually able to follow the marks.

On! On!
The pack headed down Woodlawn Avenue, took a left and crossed over Old Capital Trail, and in to that patch of woods behind the car dealerships, that is well known to all the regular DE Hashers for having the finest patch of stinging nettles in all of New Castle County. The marks led to a water crossing across White Clay Creek, the kind that doesn’t look all that deep, but then goes up waste high for a few feet. MFP tried to find a path that would take the more squeamish hashers to a shallower crossing, but after a few yards through some nasty shiggy, we decided a deep crossing was a better alternative. Just Trish took a wicked slip and slid down the muddy embankment on her ass and into the creek.

On! On!
We took the path across the creek, which led up to a park. In the bushes behind a park bench, hashers discovered a cooler with alcoholic Gatorade and non-alcoholic Jell-O shots; I wonder what idiot made those.

On ! On!
We banged a left down old Paper mill road and went up the hill to the Newark Reservoir. Down the path behind the reservoir we went Hashers found a bag with the finest Champagne that 3 dollars can buy. We did a toast to the rain.

On! On!
Trail went up a hill out and out of the woods and out to Paper Mill Rd. Down the road we went and into back into the woods across the Road from Timothy’s and out to White Clay drive where we Beer Neared at Just Doug’s House, an old BH4 buddy, while he was in the middle of moving out.

On! On!- alright this is when things actually start to get interesting.

The trail went out to Cleveland Avenue where Dirty Wet Pussy, and this years Hash Harlot, Beardless Clam, scored us all a can of Natty Light at a double secret beer check at some college kids party, by hooting and hollering back at the guys that were hooting and hollering at them. Some guy named Tod or Brian or something challenged Dirty Wet to an Indian wrestling match, and got his ass severely kicked. He also challenged BC, never a good idea to mess with an ex-marine, and then a couple of the guys, so we decided to thank them for the beer and get moving before any ones repressed homosexual tendencies might come out.

On! On!
We went down to the end of Cleveland Avenue, banged a right at Chapel Street then followed the trail, which went behind Newark Shopping Center. Dirty Wet gave the slow pokes in the back a full moon. Trail ended at the Fine Old East End Café. Where we enjoyed Nachos, Yuengling and PBR- only the finest for my fellow hashers.

Butthead/Badlay the GM squared ran the circle.

MFP had to drink for being the hare, and for bringing the new boots, and for turning 30 this week.. Cums Early Drank for Hashus Interuptus. Just Trish drank for sliding down the mud. Fortunately people were too drunk to remember that the new boots were wearing shoes that looked awfully new. People were having a good time, like maybe too much of a good time, and started making out with other people, but I didn’t do anything I swear! Whelp, since no one remembered to bring a camera…….. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

All in All…… It was another Shitty Trail.

Stay tuned for the next possible Blue Hen Hash, possibly hared this June, possibly by somebody.

On! On!



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