Monday, September 17, 2018

Blue Hen H3 September Trail aka Lost's Birthday Hash aka Taco Thursday?

What: Blue Hen H3 September Trail aka Lost's Birthday Hash aka Taco Thursday?
When: Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 6:30pm HST
Where: The parking lot behind Kennett Brewing Company/the Kennett Library/Post Office - 108 Church Alley, Kennett Square, PA 19348. Parking after 5pm is free at the meters and lots. Or you can park in the big parking garage for free and walk over
Who Hare: PENIS
What Else: Since the Creamery is dumb Lost's plan has been torn to pieces. Thus Taco Thursday. Taco place is open until 8. Probably will start trail before 7 and sashay to tacos. Then mosey on some type of trail back to start for circle. Then better beer at KBC. Maybe Lost will buy ice cream if you are all good.
Friendlies: Kids ok, dogs No.
Hash Cash: $1 plus donations to support Lost's CF Climb will be accepted. $1 gets you circle beer and trail. Avant and apres beer and tacos are pay as you go.


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