Friday, October 13, 2006

Hash 10/21

Yep. Gonna have one.

Who will hare: THFKASchporto
What: A hash.
When: 10/21 2pm(ish)
Where: BJs (100 Pencader Plaza Newark, DE 19713) Mainly so I could
legitemately put the phrase BJ in an email and have it be 'clean'.,+DE+19713&safe=on&ie=UTF8&z=15&om=1
Why: 1st Cuz there will be beer. And a second super secret reason. And
a third - its our 14th anniversary of BH4. Damn.
How: Show up and follow.

And guess what - weather channel right now says it might rain ;)
Dry bags - probably not needed (unless it is raining, or I decide to be a
Baby friendly - no, no I really doubt that.
Dog friendly - hmmm can we use the dog as a distraction?


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