Friday, December 30, 2005

Hash announcement

The next Blue Hen Hash House Harriers' hash will be on January 1st, 2006.

Who: WaterFoul is your hare.
What: The Hangover/He Needed the Money Hash.
When: January 1st, 2006 at 14:00 (2pm).
Where: John R. Downes Elementary School (220 Casho Mill Rd, Newark, DE).
Why: Because we will be hung over and it is He Needed the Money's

Cash: $5, or be a part of the birthday card and it is free.
Pets: Trail is very pet friendly, but no pets inside the on-after.
Gimps: Well apreciated, it is a Doke appreciation hash afterall.
Babies: Welcome, but they can't drink.
Distance: Very short.
Dress: Rocky Horror Picture Show costumes also make it free, please still
be part of the card, though. Otherwise, wear Blue.

This hash is the most important event of the year for the Blue Hen's, so
come and bring friends/fellow hashers. Everyone is welcome to the most
of Blue-Hen events, and we hope to see your there.

Be there, or be round.



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